Shihan Deanna E. Bivins

Deanna began training in the martial arts in 1977. It was a gift from her mother for her 12th birthday.

Shihan Bivins made history twice, becoming the first woman to earn the rank of 6th degree Black Belt in 2005 - 2016 and again, by becoming the first woman to attain a 7th degree Black Belt in the history of Red Dragon Karate, earning her the title of Shihan. She is one of only few women throughout the World to attain a 7th Degree Black Belt. She is a true pioneer in the World of Martial Arts with 45 years of experience. She understands what it means to be disciplined, have perseverance and dedication, and learned many priceless lessons throughout her astounding career!

A charismatic and positive person, she stands as an example of the confidence that martial arts helps instill. Creative and artistic, she demonstrates a colorful approach to teaching and group demonstrations. In an area dominated by men, she has shown that gender is not a factor when it comes to skill or quality. As a young woman she found in Red Dragon a way to push herself and empower others to push barriers. Traveling around the world competing she established herself as an expert in the competition circuit. Her non-judgmental approach to teaching allows students to grow and develop at their own pace in a safe and friendly environment. Experienced working with students that are a part of her training find that they have joined an extended team that is filled with support. It is clear to see from the loyalty of her students throughout her career how she has touched their lives and the gift that she has shared with them.

ShiHan Bivins ran Red Dragon Karate Academies for years. She worked in the corporate world for over 10 years with companies such as Nutri/System, where she won numerous awards for her Superior Market events for sales and opening of new Nutri/System locations around California. She was also a manager at Gloria Marshall figure salons.

In 1995 it was time for Shihan Bivins to spread her wings and she opened her Red Dragon Karate in Claremont California.

Opening her own Academy really gave Shihan Bivins an opportunity to train hard, and in 1996 she went pro. Competing Nationally on the NASKA circuit. 

Through all of this hard work, Shihan Bivins has been featured in numerous martial art publications such as TV commercials, movies, stunt videos and productions, radio, martial arts magazines, and more.

Shihan Deanna E. Bivins

Look where her journey has taken her.



o 7th degree Black Belt (November 2016)
o 6th Degree Black Belt (2005 – 2016)
o Ranked in the top 30 women in the World of Martial Arts
o Three-Time National Martial Arts Champion
o Two-Time World Martial Arts Champion
o 2-Time Olympic Gold Medalist in Martial Arts
o Weapons Certified with 15 different weapons
o Holds rank of First Degree Black Belt in Judo
o Inductee into the USA World Championship Hall of Fame


Work with Red Dragon Karate 

o Studio owner for over 25 years
o Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing for all 14 locations
o Ranked No. 1 for business operations out of all RDK locations
o Promoted hundreds of martial artists to the rank of 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree black belt


One of the first females to serve on the America In Defense – AID 

o Served as a Travel Marshall after 9/11
o Served as trainer at CIA Headquarters for Special Operations Training
o Trained the Flight Attendants that “took down” the Shoe Bomber in 2001
o Worked with the creators of America In Defense Bob Wall, John Paul Dejoria, and Chuck Norris.
o Travel to Paul Mitchell headquarters in Valencia. Taught John Paul Dejoria employees.
o Interacted with over 500 plus FBI, CIA agents and worked with the chief of police in Sacramento, and over a thousand plus Airline attendants, pilots, and captains all over the state, in mock airplane scenarios along with traveling to the main headquarters of America Airlines in Dallas Texas.


Coaching, Leadership and Training 

o Develops and leads weekly coaching, leadership and personal development programs
o Received private training by the Tony Robbins Coaching company
o Founding member of KBB and Mastermind with Tony Robbin's and Dean Graziosi.
o Spotlighted in front of 40,000 people from Dean Graziosi.
o Participated in many different personal development seminars from such leaders as     
     - Darren Hardy
     - John C. Maxwell
     - Andy Andrews
     - Les Brown